Undergrounding in Resilience Read our Special Report: "The Role of Undergrounding in Electricity System Resilience."
Electric Rate Inflation Average national residential electric rates were up 15.8% in August over August of 2021.
Wither Weather Rising temperatures is just one aspect of climate change that can mess with our electricity systems.
Spirits, Wine, Beer Consumer expenditures for wine have increased 103 times since 1959, 42 times for electric utility service.
Teaser: ALLETE Clean Energy’s President Al Rudeck The Northern Wind Repower Project in Minnesota will increase energy production by about 30%.
Coming Attractions: FERC Commissioner James Danly Here is an excerpt from September’s PUF to whet the appetite.
War, Gas, Electricity The price of natural gas has been high since Russia invaded Ukraine, which is impacting the provision of electric and natural gas utility service of course.
Prices and Pitchforks The notion of timing incremental changes has often been a powerful tool in utility ratemaking.