Electric Distributions Average monthly electric bills are quite different depending upon where you are in the country.
October's PPI Report Power plant gas prices fell 19.1%, but are still 41.6% above that of a year ago.
Watch Wednesday's Webinar on PUF's New Book "Heroes of the Storms" Hear some inspiring experiences of the industry's heroes. Co-authors Steve Mitnick and Rachel Moore interviewed more than fifty heroes of storm restoration.
One and One-Third Percent The amount Americans paid for electric utility service rose by 11% during the previous year.
Where Electrifying Isn't Look at the numbers to appreciate that we’re a long way from electrifying home heating.
Gas Versus Electric Heat 41.0% of American households heated with electricity in 2021, while 46.5% used natural gas.
Undergrounding in Resilience Read our Special Report: "The Role of Undergrounding in Electricity System Resilience."