PUF's Where's Energy

O Canada

On January 19, you’ll want to catch the United States Energy Association’s eighteenth annual “State of the Energy Industry” forum. Such as when the top leader of EPRI chimes in for twenty minutes starting at 9:05 a.m. ET, the top leader of the Nuclear Energy Institute at 9:25 a.m., the top leader of EEI at 10:05 a.m., and the top leader of AGA at 10:25 a.m. Registration, which is free, can be had at usea.org.

And then the next day, this Friday, you’ll want to catch the Energy Council of Canada’s first annual “Canada Energy Update.”    

'Front Lines to Power Lines' Now in Hardcover

Our new book, celebrating the military veterans now serving their country in utility service, entitled “Front Lines to Power Lines,” is now available in hardcover.

Organizations can order a quantity of these beautiful and inspiring hardcovers to distribute to employees and external constituencies. For example, a box of twenty-five hardcovers would be a thousand dollars.

Please contact Joe Paparello for more info, at paparello@fortnightly.com