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“Data center energy use in the U.S. has doubled over the past three years and is expected to grow...

Acceleration Over Next Decade

“The U.S. Department of State’s Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of SMR Technology...

Exelon Innovation Summit

“It’s less about how to drive that culture and more about how to unleash it. The passion is in all...


“We have a Reinvent website, where employees can submit their thoughts and ideas in support of our...

NARUC President Wins Primary

NARUC President Julie Fedorchak prevailed in the Republican Primary and her name will appear on the...

Flexibility, Solar, Reliability

“Tri-State’s members, including distribution cooperatives and public power districts across four...

New Transmission Line Life via Reconductoring

“If line losses on an existing line are 20 MW, installing an advanced conductor would reduce losses...

Risk Mitigation Takes Center Stage

“Investing for more reliable, resilient power grids, using the most advanced tools and techniques,...

Southern Company

With Plant Vogtle units 3 and 4 now complete, the four nuclear units together are expected to...


“In January of 2025, we’ll be hosting that educational meeting in Oklahoma City because our MARC...


“I increasingly see a need for SEARUC and other regional organizations to meet more frequently and...

Unique conversations

“We put effort into the bills, making sure all concerns the legislators had were addressed. We didn...