Canada's Utility Regulators Meet in Toronto


Excerpts of remarks by British Columbia Utilities Commission Chair David Morton, Resilient CEO Lisa DeMarco, Toronto Hydro CEO Anthony Haines, Canada Energy Regulator Commissioner Trena Grimoldby, Yukon Utilities Board, Board Member Lesley McCullough, Prince Edward Island Regulatory & Appeals Commission Chair Scott MacKenzie, Canada Energy Regulator CEO Gitane De Silva, and Ontario Energy Board CEO Susanna Zagar.

CEO Leadership Dialogue: Pizarro and Tonne


“We need 30 GW of utility-scale storage and 10 GW of distributed storage to ensure system reliability and resiliency. Southern California Edison already has 5.5 GW of storage either installed or on the way because it’s been procured, including a 535-MW utility-owned lithium battery project available later this year.”

Enabling Hydrogen



Excerpts of remarks by EPRI CEO Arshad Mansoor, Entergy CEO Drew Marsh, EEI SVP Energy Supply and Finance Richard McMahon, J-POWER EVP Yoshiki Onoi, and Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies CEO Daniel Teichmann.

Exchange with Enel Group CEO Francesco Starace



“The other misconception is you can change the way you use energy in your life without worrying about the impact on the systems around you. How should an electricity system look when EVs are in the millions? The change is huge, and this is not fully understood by most regulators.”

Transitioning Island Energy Systems



“Five years ago, I was working at EEI, and retired in June 2017. I got a call to come to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico had tremendous hurricanes, Irma, and Maria. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. 95% of the cell towers were down, 90% of people didn’t have drinking water, and 3,000 people lost their lives. Homes were shattered.”

Exchange with Exelon CEO Calvin Butler



“My calendar’s controlling me now. Everything’s a first and you have to engage differently until you understand, what’s important, what’s not? How do you engage? It’s going to be that way for a while.”

2023 Global Electrification Forum

EEI International

Global experts discussed how to achieve electrification. Panels, discussions, chats, and sessions on the transition considered technologies, innovations, systems, and infrastructure, as well as human elements and trends.

Owen Young Award: Tom Fanning

Southern Company

“We’re about the only one with robust proprietary research and development. We’re by far the biggest partner with the Department of Energy on joint research. We’ve always viewed research and development as a way to develop the arrows in our quiver to influence the future.”

Tom Fanning: Jim Kerr

Southern Company Gas

“Tom has been our industry’s clear leader in understanding the risks and importance of cybersecurity. Our country has benefited greatly because of his work in this area, and I think Tom will continue to lead in this space.”