Last Dots Are Connected



Fortnightly Magazine - November 2023
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One year ago, at NARUC's 2022 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, then-NARUC President Judith Jagdmann of Virginia, passed the title of President on to Connecticut Commissioner Michael Caron. That day also marked the start of the third and last year of the three-year theme of Connecting the Dots: Innovative/Disruptive Technology and Regulation, which began under the tenure of former NARUC President, Paul Kjellander of Idaho, and continued under Jagdmann and Caron.

How time flies. The theme of Connecting the Dots forever ties this trio of Kjellander, Jagdmann, and Caron together in NARUC history. Apropos that Public Utilities Fortnightly's Paul Kjellander here discusses the Caron Presidency with him.

Caron also celebrates a decade with the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority in 2023, and so will stay busy and hopefully around as a Commissioner, for as he talks about here, knowledge is key to being a regulator. It will be an exciting time at NARUC's 2023 Annual meeting as Caron passes the torch on to North Dakota Commissioner Julie Fedorchak, who as NARUC's new President will make more history with all female leadership of the Association, with Georgia's Tricia Pridemore and Washington's Ann Rendahl.


PUF's Paul Kjellander: Your year as President of NARUC is winding down. Did it meet your expectations?

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