Mark Toney is Executive Director of TURN.
TURN wants you to know that its mission is to champion the cleanest energy and highest quality phone service at the lowest prices possible for residential customers, low-income households, and small businesses through legal advocacy at the California Public Utilities Commission, state and federal policy development, and community organizing throughout California. It is a big endeavor.
TURN has been led since 2008 by Executive Director Mark Toney, a heavy hitter who fights for affordable energy and phone service for all California residents, with a focus on low-income households, communities of color, and immigrants of rural communities. He has made a name for himself doing just that.
Public Utilities Fortnightly's Steve Mitnick sat with Toney to discuss how TURN moves forward with advocacy in light of the move toward decarbonization in California. Listen in on this informative discussion.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: TURN has a long history of opposing residential fixed charges, but then TURN changed its position after a series of internal discussions.
Mark Toney: TURN was founded in 1973. A lot has changed in fifty years. At least twenty years ago, the utilities started pushing fixed customer charges, and TURN did oppose it traditionally, because our analysis showed that with a flat fixed charge, that a couple of things happened.