EEI 8th Annual Global Electrification Forum

Picture Energy

The 8th Annual Global Electrification Forum, hosted by the Edison Electric Institute with the theme of Infinite Innovations, Transformative Impact, was held with a virtual program and three days of in-person talks in Washington, D.C. The Forum explored advancing electrification through impactful actions that promote systemic innovation across the ecosystem surrounding electricity.

Edison Congress 2024 Convenes 43 Electric Utilities

Picture Energy

Hosted by Public Utilities Fortnightly and the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, this unique event is by and for those who lead their electric power generation, transmission, and distribution organizations. Each session was really a conversation among peers about their common challenges, lessons learned, and best practices.

RTO Roundtable on Gas-Electric Coordination

Blueprint for National Progress

Regional transmission organizations ISO-NE, MISO, PJM, and SPP (Joint RTOs) recently issued a position paper, Strategies for Enhanced Gas-Electric Coordination: A Blueprint for National Progress. It aims to identify issues for state and federal policymakers, which if appropriately resolved, can enhance the reliability of gas-electric coordination. To find out more on this important issue, PUF brought together experts from the Joint RTOs. Listen in on the discussion with ISO-NE VP of Operations and Market Administration Pete Brandien, MISO Executive Director of Market Operations JT Smith, SPP COO Lanny Nickell, and PJM VP of Federal Government Policy Craig Glazer.

A Future for Pumped Storage Hydro?


Despite the license and permitting hurdles, utilities around the country are taking a harder look at pumped storage hydro options. Potential benefits from federal tax credits might make an asset like pumped storage, which has a long asset life, more attractive as a storage option.

Northwest Hydro: Lisa Grow

Idaho Power

Hydro has been critical to the integration of renewable energy. You couldn’t build enough renewables across a portfolio or a geographic area that could provide the kind of flexibility and reliability that hydro brings.

Northwest Hydro: John Hairston

Bonneville Power Administration

Hydropower’s role as a balancing resource is going to be more important than ever. Hydropower is reliable, flexible, and clean, which makes it a perfect companion to intermittent renewable energy resources.

Hydro Pumping Up the Northwest


PUF’s Paul Kjellander talked with two leaders on all issues pertaining to hydropower and what its future looks like. Bonneville Power Administration CEO John Hairston and Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow have much to say on this important subject.

Investing in Utility Infrastructure Under Uncertainty

Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns

How much is enough? That’s so often the central question for those considering investments in our national defense. Along with secondary questions of nearly equal importance, such as, should we invest in this particular defense program? Or that one instead?