Building Equity in Building T&D

Burns & McDonnell

"We ask our project managers to first understand why business diversity is important, then to understand that we will need to subcontract our typical engineering services that we provide. Those are two new ways of thinking for our employee-owners."

FERC Order 881 Discussed


FERC Order 881 was the subject of discussion at a recent IEEE Power & Energy Society T&D Conference, which was attended by POWER Engineers’ Lisa Deppa. She explains here the latest on Order 881 and why it is important to the decarbonization journey.

The Transmission Transition and the Electric Ratepayer, Part 3

Price Tag in Customer Rates?

In part three, we consider institutional consequences if indifference to ratepayer impacts takes root in FERC and federal agencies or in state legislatures and with regulators. How these play out could affect policy sustainability and effectiveness as net-zero goals for 2050 grow nearer.

Roundtable: Demand is the New Supply

Alliance to Save Energy

"We learned that through immediate and accelerated investments in demand-side solutions, we can offset about a third of the incremental costs of full grid decarbonization, saving approximately $107 billion annually by 2050."

Natural Gas Commodity Prices and Cost Recovery

Customers and Utilities on Same Side

Most critically, regulators should remember that thoughtful, informed purchasing practices by utilities that know their customers and systems best, go a long way toward ensuring energy remains affordable.

Role of Regulators with Zero-Emission Vehicles


This panel, Recharging the Role of Regulators with Zero-Emission Vehicles, took on the nascent market of public charging stations with regulated and unregulated players. Regulated entities may, or may not, have rates designed for public EV charging.

Building and Maintaining Trust


This panel at CAMPUT 2024 on Building and Maintaining Trust: The Art and Craft of Today's Communication, examined how in today's energy sector dynamic landscape, effective communication is key to building and maintaining trust. Public trust drives participation in regulatory processes and enhances credibility. This session delved into innovative strategies and platforms.