Collaboration: The Core of Industrial Clusters

Achieving Net Zero

Achieving net-zero emissions on a global scale cannot be achieved with a single technological breakthrough or approach. It will require broad collaboration across sectors worldwide. Net-zero industrial clusters or NZICs can play a key role in this effort.

The Crisp Vision: A North Star for the Electric Utility Sector

Association of Edison Illuminating Companies

Executing a strategic vision requires a team that combines diverse skill sets with a shared commitment to innovation. In grid modernization, this team must include power systems, data analytics, cybersecurity, and infrastructure development experts. Each member brings a piece of the puzzle.

Cultivating and Capturing Value

The Clean Energy Transition

There is much intrinsic value in the clean energy transition, from mitigating and adapting to climate change, to promoting energy security and reliability, to deploying innovation, to enhancing the economy, and developing the next-generation workforce.

Energy and Relationship Efficiency

Managing Affordability

This painting depicts a young, highly-educated couple – a lawyer and a PhD candidate – as they navigate the instructions to set up their thermostat. At first glance, it might be seen as a struggle to figure out the owner’s manual.  But the message is more sinister than that.

A Hydrogen-Powered Future Offers Promise and Risk

Popular Option in the Race for Low-Carbon Energy

“What would a hydrogen market look like? Speakers at the roundtable suggested that a regulated utility model is likely the best option to create transparency, build trust with customers, and achieve societal goals.”

Canadian Energy: Canadian Nuclear Association

Energy Council of Canada

“Ontario is the major nuclear province; two huge generating stations at Bruce Power and Darlington. Both undergoing refurbishments. It’s a 26-billion-dollar project, the largest infrastructure project in Canada now. We are proudly telling the world these projects, halfway through, are on time and on budget.”