Canadian Energy: United States Energy Association

Energy Council of Canada

“The Biden administration announced a pause on LNG export facilities. What will that mean? The U.S. is the number one producer and became the number one exporter of natural gas in the second half of 2022, following the Russian invasion, when Europe decided to cut access to Russia’s pipelines.”

Canadian Energy: Canadian Gas Association

Energy Council of Canada

“The challenge is the U.S. IRA had the effect of people looking at the capital that was going to go to those projects, potentially going to the U.S. To level that playing field, we made a formal proposal to Finance Canada for an investment tax credit that would support production of renewable natural gas.”

Canadian Energy: Electricity Canada

Energy Council of Canada

“Our big concern with the draft Clean Electricity Regulations is they’re taking an aggressive approach to decarbonizing the remaining grid, and even though that will only result in a perhaps 3-percentage point increase in non-emitting electricity, it would massively increase costs and risks to public safety.”

Energy Council of Canada Brings Together Association's CEOs

Canadian Energy

From the Energy Council of Canada’s Annual Canada Energy Update, at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, excerpts of remarks by Electricity Canada CEO Francis Bradley, Canadian Gas Association VP Strategy and Development Paul Cheliak, USEA CEO Mark Menezes, and Canadian Nuclear Association’s Christopher Gully.

Innovation Panel


“In our proposals and plans for the HyVelocity Hub, about 80% of the hydrogen production is going to come from hydrogen produced with natural gas. Another 20% will come from electrolysis. It’s important that we’re increasingly understanding the carbon intensity of hydrogen. The Open Hydrogen Initiative will help with that.”

Practical Energy Use and Supply


The panel was moderated by United States Energy Association CEO Mark Menezes. Discussions featured American Gas Association CEO Karen Harbert, America’s Power CEO Michelle Bloodworth, American Public Power Association CEO Scott Corwin, Large Public Power Council President John Di Stasio, and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association CEO Jim Matheson.