Preparing the Electric System for Extreme Weather


EPRI and DOE National Labs

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2024
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Over the past three decades, the electric power system has increasingly been exposed to extreme weather and climate-related hazards that can produce severe consequences for infrastructure, customers, and communities. Energy customers depend on reliable power, and communities need it to sustain critical services, but power outages are frequently the result of severe weather. Working collaboratively, the grid can be ready for today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities.

A power system that is resilient to extreme climate events will require smart and timely investments. That has been the focus of EPRI's three-year Climate READi (REsilience and ADaptation initiative): 

Understanding the climate data suitable for power system analysis; 

Approaches for interpreting electric system asset and system vulnerability; and 

Prioritizing resilience investments in consideration of impacts to customers and communities.

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