Emissions Dropped Ten Percent

Coal plants produced 19.98 percent of the grid’s generation in 2020, for the entire continental U.S. So coal generation came in under one-fifth for the first time. Though ever so slightly (by two-hundredths of a percent).

While zero-emission nuclear, hydro, wind and solar produced 38.53 percent. That’s nearly two-fifths. And nearly twice coal’s percentage.

All this happened because coal generation dropped almost nineteen percent from 2019 to 2020. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions dropped by around ten percent.

United States Energy Association's Energy Efficiency Forum 2020


Eight individuals were inducted into the forum's Hall of Fame, a special occasion as it happens once every five years. And Interim President at the Alliance to Save Energy Clay Nessler got together with New York Representative Paul Tonko and DOE’s David Nemtzow for a virtual fireside chat on the release of the Alliance to Save Energy’s 2020 Energy Efficiency Indicator Study.