Women Leading Today: Lisa Grow

Women’s History Month

“I was the second woman engineer ever hired in a 104-year-old company. It required that the culture shift. The first woman engineer, Colleen Ramsey, was super helpful to me.”

Women's History Month 2021

PUF Celebrates You

Women's History Month has a kind of a short history. At least it seems that way to me. I was still in college in 1981 when Congress first asked for a celebration of Women's History Week starting in March 1982. It wasn't until 1987, that Congress designated a month.

Registered and Ready for NARUC

80 is the New 60? Considering I’m fairly old myself, I like the vibe. But that’s the session name for the panel at NARUC’s upcoming winter meeting discussing nuclear plant second license renewals and the impact on the grid’s decarbonization. The session will be on February 10.

Then there’s the session on FERC Order 2222, on distributed resources in wholesale markets. The Commission is always creative at naming its landmark orders. About the only aspect of its rules that we can all agree on. The session will be on February 9.