Gas LDC to Recover Stranded Costs

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has authorized Intermountain Gas Co., a local distribution company (LDC), to implement a new interruptible-distribution transportation service for large-volume industrial customers, including a charge designed to minimize stranded costs associated with migration of customers from sales tariffs.

Michigan Approves LEC Rate Restructuring

The Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC) has authorized Ameritech Michigan, a local exchange carrier (LEC), to restructure its rates to comply with a new state law forbidding LECs to charge less than the total-service, long-run incremental cost for each local exchange service offered. The LEC claimed that it began with basic services because prices for that segment of the market had been set artificially low for customers in rural areas of the state.

Utility Rate Filings Owe No Explanation to Investors

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has rejected claims that Washington Energy Co., corporate parent of Washington Gas Co., a local distribution company (LDC), committed securities fraud by failing to fully explain that its current application for a rate increase was based in part on expense requests and accounting methods rejected by state regulators in the past.

N.C. Assigns New Gas-service Areas

The North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) has made preliminary assignments of unfranchised gas-service areas to local distribution companies (LDCs), pursuant to a 1995 state law. An earlier NCUC order sought applications from LDCs (see, Re Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Natural Gas Service, 164 PUR4th 591 (N.C.U.C. 1995)).

Court Considers Inflation Adjustments, Advertising Costs

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has asked the state Public Utility Commission (PUC) to explain 1) why it disallowed a substantial portion of advertising costs in setting rates for National Fuel Gas Corp., a local distribution company (LDC); and 2) why it had rejected the LDC's request for a separate inflation adjustment of 2.58 percent for 17 cost elements.

The court found the PUC's rationale (em that the LDC's advertising was "in essence targeted to seek and retain load" (em insufficient, since recovery of costs associated with similar advertisements had been allowed in

Penn. Upholds Gas-cost Incentive Program

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has upheld a ruling by the state Public Utility Commission (PUC) implementing a three-year, performance-based, gas-cost incentive program for Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc., a local distribution company (LDC). The program compares LDC spot-market purchases to the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) average, sharing any savings between the company and ratepayers. The court rejected allegations that state law forbids recovery in excess of prudently incurred actual costs.

Ohio Proposes Electricity Aggregation Pilot

The Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has proposed a set of guidelines for "conjunctive electric service" offerings. (Conjunctive service is described as the aggregation of service provided at different locations for cost-of-service, rate design, rate eligibility, and billing


The proposed guidelines are intended to facilitate a two-year pilot program under the PUC's roundtable on competition in the electric industry.

Indiana on Water Utility Mergers

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (URC) has adopted a new ratemaking policy for mergers involving water utilities: The URC will first look at the fair value of the acquired utility, as determined in its most recent rate case, to determine the reasonableness of the purchase price.

States Promote Local Telephone Competition

The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) has set rates and terms for unbundled interconnection services that U S WEST Communications, Inc., a local exchange carrier (LEC), must provide to other carriers seeking to provide competitive local service. The IUB ruled that U S WEST must use the Total Service Long Run Incremental Cost method to set prices for the use of its facilities. It also ruled that the LEC may include "an appropriate markup" in the rates as well as a contribution to shared and common costs of the local loop.

Gas Unbundling: Benefits "Uncertain" for Small Customers

The Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) has adopted a set of policy guidelines to restructure and promote competition in local gas markets. The PSC said that a major problem is determining how smaller core customers can benefit: "Reliance on competitive market forces is preferable to regulation," but only when competition is effective and sustainable. To test for competition, the PSC will monitor: 1) the ability of providers to make functionally equivalent service readily available, and 2) the numbers and market strength of competitive providers.