NY IOUSs Sue PSC Over Restructuring Decision

Fortnightly Magazine - November 15 1996
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Investor-owned utility (IOU) members of the Energy Association of New York have joined in a lawsuit against the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) and its May 16 Competitive Opportunities decision, which called for a wholesale competitive market in 1997 and introduction of retail access in 1998.

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The IOUs claim the lawsuit does not challenge the introduction of competition to New York's electric utility industry, but targets the "vague language" and incomplete guidelines.

"The PSC has avoided dealing with most of the significant issues, such as New York's tax and regulatory burdens, the years of investment in the existing utility facilities by shareholders, the dependence of local governments on utility tax revenue and the many customers who depend on the present system for heat and light, but who may be disadvantaged by competition," said Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. president and chief executive officer Thomas S. Richards.


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