Research and Renewables: Funding at the National Energy Labs

Shrinking budgets force staff cuts, but some projects

find friends in high places.

"They're putting the best face on the inevitable."

Funding for renewable energy for government/ industry research partnerships took another beating early this summer (em and that's on top of a $113-million cut suffered this fiscal year.

Green Pricing: The Bigger Picture

It's not just for residential consumers. Research suggests a

substantial niche market

of commercial

and industrial customers that are favorably disposed to green electricity.Seven utilities across the country have launched "green pricing" programs for residential electric customers. At these utilities, up to 3 percent of residential customers pay rate premiums to underwrite the construction and use of renewable electric generation.

Off Peak

While the cost of common household goods like bread and milk increased 77 and 50 percent, respectively, from 1985 to 1995, the average residential electricity bill for customers of San Diego Gas & Electric Co. (SDG&E) dropped 13.6 percent over the same period, according to San Diego Chamber of Commerce statistics.

That trend shows no sign of abating. In fact, low rates are fast becoming a staple for the utility's 1.2 million electric customers.

Discount Rates Urge Restructuring in Penn.

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has authorized Duquesne Light Co. to expand its economic development rate initiatives to include small industrial customers. The new rate rider provides a five-year discount on demand charges on a maximum of 100 kilowatts (Kw) for new or existing customers smaller than 100 Kw. If the utility's service territory is to recover from the steel industry's devastating downturn, the PUC argued, Duquesne must be able to offer a competitive rate to keep industrial operations of all sizes.

LDC to Sell Production Facilities to Affiliate

The West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC) has authorized Hope Gas, Inc. to sell its production facilities to an affiliate, CNG Producing Co., for the current book value of the properties, $4.512 million. The DPUC emphasized that it would rely on representations that Hope Gas would work to reduce the risks to its ratepayers for lost and unaccounted-for gas by pursuing meter relocation on a prioritized basis.

California Affirms PBR Plan

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has rejected claims that an experimental performance-based rate plan for San Diego Gas and Electric Co., a combined electric and natural gas utility, was yielding "perverse results" and should be modified in keeping with the PUC's purposes in establishing the experiment. According to the Utility Consumers' Action Network, the utility had earned a profit that exceeded its authorized return by 114 basis points while the plan was in effect.

Sourth Carolina Tries LEC Price Caps

The South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC) has adopted an alternative regulation plan for BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc, a local exchange carrier (LEC). The plan replaces an incentive regulation plan adopted by the PSC in 1991, but subsequently reversed by the state supreme court. See, South Carolina Cable Television Association v. South Carolina Pub. Service Commission et al., 437 S.E.2d 38, 150 PUR4th 216 (S.C. 1993).

Court Clears Way for N.H. Retail Wheeling Pilot

Clearing a legal challenge blocking initiation of New Hampshire's newly approved retail wheeling experiment, the New Hampshire Supreme Court has ruled that the state Public Utility Commission (PUC) has the authority to grant competing electric utility franchises. Public Service Co.