West Virginia Revamps Gas Rules

The West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a series of changes to its rules and regulations for gas utilities and gas pipeline safety. The changes include a new rule on customer deposits that calls for annual adjustment of the interest rate utilities pay on such deposits. The PSC explained that the change is designed to make the rate more market sensitive by tying it to U.S. Treasury Bill rates for the last quarter of the preceding year.

Rate Plan Emphasizes Incentives, Low-income Assistance

While approving a proposal by Marbel Energy Corp., owner of an independent gas and oil production business, to acquire Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), and Ohio Intrastate Gas transmission Co., an intrastate gas pipeline, the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has directed both the LDC and the pipeline to offer nondiscriminatory open access to all of their service offerings. The PUC explained that the open-access condition would further competition in the state's natural gas industry.

N.M. Rejects Tariffs for LDC Nonutility Services

The New Mexico Public Utility Commission (PUC) has rejected a request by PNM Gas Services, a division of Public Service Co. of New Mexico and a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), to implement two new experimental "optional utility services": 1) a Food Service Maintenance Program (maintenance and repair on commercial equipment), and 2) an Energyguard Bill Payment Protection Plan (insurance).

Alabama Begins LEC Rate REbalancing

The Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) has implemented a rate rebalancing plan to coordinate the pricing of services provided by telecommunications local exchange carriers (LECs) with recent efforts to open the local market to competition. According to the PSC, existing LECs that support underpriced local service with excessive access charges are at a significant disadvantage when they enter a competitive, price-regulated environment.

LDC Must Offer Contiguous Billing, Absorb Special Discounts

The Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC) has reaffirmed an earlier decision requiring Consumers Power Co., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), to absorb revenue losses associated with special discounts granted to large transportation customers under contracts and tariffs approved by the PSC. While directing the LDC to reduce base gas rates by $11.73 million, the PSC ruled that Consumers had failed to prove that the discounts were justified by cost of service or that the load-retention aspects of the discounts conferred a general benefit on ratepayers.

Ohio Orders Open-access Gas Service

While approving a proposal by Marbel Energy Corp., owner of an independent gas and oil production business, to acquire Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), and Ohio Intrastate Gas transmission Co., an intrastate gas pipeline, the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has directed both the LDC and the pipeline to offer nondiscriminatory open access to all of their service offerings. The PUC explained that the open-access condition would further competition in the state's natural gas industry.

Virginia Investigates Holding Company Dispute

The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) has directed Virginia Electric and Power Co., a subsidiary of Dominion Resources, Inc., to adopt conflict-of-interest standards to govern board of director membership. The SCC also directed the utility to file an annual independent audit of its affiliate transactions and to cooperate with commission staff in determining whether "Virginia Power is paying for duplicative executive services" from its holding company parent. The action grows out of an SCC investigation into a 1994 public dispute between the utility and Dominion Resources.

Michigan Reviews LEC Tariffs, Resale Provisions

While reviewing interconnection issues generic to competition in the telecommunications local exchange market, the Michigan Public Service Commission (PSC) has mandated that local exchange carriers (LECs) offer all basic local exchange services for resale at wholesale rates to competitors as well as affiliates.

Minn. Approves Incentive Gas-purchasing Plan

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved a performance-based gas-purchasing plan for Minnegasco, a natural gas local distribution company (LDC).

The incentive plan contains two benchmarks for measuring the utility's gas-purchasing performance: 1) a market-based benchmark with demand and commodity components, and 2) a comparison benchmark consisting of a volume-weighted, average, total annual gas cost per million British thermal units for the state's three largest LDCs (after Minnegasco itself).