
California sued El Paso for gaming the pipeline. But the blame may lie to the East.


The Great Gas Grab



Northeast Power Markets: The Argument for a Unified Grid

How different regional protocols distort power prices and flows among New York, New England, and PJM.

Introduction: How an efficient re-dispatch of transactions between ISOs would save close to a half billion dollars each year, arguing for regional consolidation, as urged by the FERC.

Off Peak

Reliant comes clean on profits, says California picked its own pocket.<b> </b>

Off Peak

August 1, 2001

Larceny Debunked


News Analysis

New England puts a price on electric reliability, but some say the charge looks more like a tax.

News Analysis


New England puts a price on electric reliability, but some say the charge looks more like a tax.

Does ICAP qualify as a true commercial product, traded on its own merit with a tangible value for customers?