Benchmarks: Coal Prices

Steady again, as new paradigm takes hold.

New coal price levels are down, but above the prices realized in the 1990s. Perhaps it can be demonstrated that the supply of coal is much more in line with its demand, and that coal mines are producing at levels much closer to aggregate mine capacity.

People (June 15, 2002)

Larry Schmid has been named CFO for Great River Energy. Hydro Energy of Norsk Hydro has appointed Hilde Myrberg as sector president. Ronald McMahan has joined the board of directors of Index Pricing Group. And others ...

Bragawatts: Nothing to Brag About

So-called 'round-trip trades' and what FERC should do about it.

Power trading companies that make the cut on the top-10 ranking list essentially have won the right to brag ... or have they?

Barbarians at the Gates

FERC... SEC... CFTC...Congress ... Ratings Agencies... Stockholders... Bondholders... Private Equity Investors?

No one has yet quantified or qualified the devastation to industry reputation, electric competition, or energy companies' future earnings power caused by the current round of energy trading scandals that is shaking the industry to its core.

Managing the Telecom Value Curve

There are opportunities for utilities despite the telecom market correction of 2001 and 2002.

The risks for utilities entering telecommuni­cations are real and ever present, especially with the recent 2001 and 2002 telecommunications market correction. But some utilities have found success in the telecom space by taking an incremental approach to manage risks and climb the telecom value curve.

Gas Turbinemania: The Merchant Power Plant Shake Out

Why it happened? Who lost in the bust? Who will survive to build another turbine?

Some merchant generation developers never saw the generation glut coming. Presenting the winners and losers of the latest cycle of boom, bubble, and collapse in the merchant generation industry.

The Top 10

The Ten Most Intriguing Business Decisions in the Post-Enron World.

10. Exelon throws in the towel on pebble bed; 9. Exelon, Entergy, Dominion ready to do the rounds on traditional nuclear; 8. AES wants out of Cilcorp marriage; 7. New-look Aquila goes hunting ...

Electricity Restructuring is No License for Central Planning

RTOs will perpetuate regional monopolies and political rate regulation.

Economists sometimes get confused - especially when the real world doesn't fit into their neat boxes.

Network industries like telephone and electricity are today's case in point. Economists have viewed these parts of the economy as requiring special attention from regulatory authorities. They're viewed as "natural" monopolies displaying "economies of scope" and characterized by risky "lock-in" or "path dependency" features. That supposedly makes them prone to abuse by their free-market owners, and therefore in need of impartial regulatory oversight.

People (June 1, 2002)

Former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton has joined the board of directors of E2I. The National Hydropower Association presented Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) with its Legislator of the Year award . The New York Power Authority honored Shalom Zelingher, director, and Misak Krikorian, senior engineer, of the research and technology development unit of NYPA. And others ...