Benchmarks: Coal Prices
Steady again, as new paradigm takes hold.
Steady again, as new paradigm takes hold.
So-called 'round-trip trades' and what FERC should do about it.
FERC... SEC... CFTC...Congress ... Ratings Agencies... Stockholders... Bondholders... Private Equity Investors?
No one has yet quantified or qualified the devastation to industry reputation, electric competition, or energy companies' future earnings power caused by the current round of energy trading scandals that is shaking the industry to its core.
There will be ample U.S. natural gas supplies to support a 30 Tcf market by 2010.
There are opportunities for utilities despite the telecom market correction of 2001 and 2002.
Why it happened? Who lost in the bust? Who will survive to build another turbine?
The Ten Most Intriguing Business Decisions in the Post-Enron World.
RTOs will perpetuate regional monopolies and political rate regulation.
Economists sometimes get confused - especially when the real world doesn't fit into their neat boxes.
Network industries like telephone and electricity are today's case in point. Economists have viewed these parts of the economy as requiring special attention from regulatory authorities. They're viewed as "natural" monopolies displaying "economies of scope" and characterized by risky "lock-in" or "path dependency" features. That supposedly makes them prone to abuse by their free-market owners, and therefore in need of impartial regulatory oversight.