
Letters to the Editor

David Moore: Chris King’s article, “How Competitive Metering Has Failed,” (Nov. 15, 2001) overstates both the weight the CBO report places on the demand side of the electricity market and the importance it assigns to advanced metering therein. King responds: While Mr. Moore and I seem to disagree on the semantics, it appears that we are in violent agreement on the big picture, as stated in the CBO report.

Bursting The Bubble

Merchants' trading volumes and revenue are still too inflated.

In the post-Enron world, many continue to question the legitimacy of the practice of inflating revenues through the trading business to bolster the company's financial picture.

CEO Power Forum: Leadership and Credibility in Uncertain Times

The leaders of the electric power industry greatly want to put a positive spin on the current state of affairs in their business.

Enron’s bankruptcy and California’s failed restructuring experience, as well as credit and shareholder concerns, are preventing senior executives from spending adequate time on developing new growth opportunities for their companies and lobbying for electric industry competition.

Standby Generation: A New Proposition

A cost/benefit analysis of full interconnection of customer-owned standby generators.

Investigating the economic impact of interconnecting a backup generator with a utility-owned power system.

Distributed Generation: Hype vs. Hope

Separating myth from reality in identifying DG applications.

Technological breakthroughs in distributed generation have not materialized as quickly as expected. Furthermore, manufacturers have continued to improve traditional generation technologies. So what role can DG play?

Backtracking in Georgia

The customer is always right.

Given all the flack it’s caught of late, it may not be too far off before Georgia’s esteemed deregulation program is saddled with the label of “fiasco” and “debacle.” The timing is strikingly similar to California, where that state’s electric restructuring experiment crumbled in the summer of 2000, two years and change after the flawed plan switched on.