
Forced consolidation of RTOs would set transmission owners free to go after profits.


Bullish for Business



Wind Power, Poised for Take Off?

A survey of projects and economics.

Wind Power: Poised for Take Off?


A survey of projects and economics.

The amount of electricity generated from wind in the U.S. is expected to surge this year - owing in large part to hydropower shortages out West, natural gas price volatility across the country, and high capacity factors for wind turbines, which help to offset the intermittent nature of wind energy generation.

Should Government Open the Books of the Merchant Gen Sector?

EIA would track emissions, fuel use, and finances, but keep some data confidential, raising questions about trade secrets and agency authority.

After carefully considering the record, the Commission reaffirmed its general finding that, as a result of the seriously flawed electric market structure and rules for wholesale sales of electric energy in California, unjust and unreasonable rates were charged, and could continue to be charged during certain times and under certain conditions, unless certain targeted remedies were implemented.

The Plague ... of Price Controls

The world goeth fast from bad to worse.

Many public voices today want the government to simply mandate lower energy prices. It is this kind of temper-tantrum-as-policy that makes the Middle Ages seem so, well, medieval, and reminds us why we got rid of kings in the first place.

News Digest (July 15, 2001)

Compiled June 21, 2001 by Bruce W. Radford, editor-in-chief, from contributions as noted from Carl J. Levesque, associate editor, and Phillip S. Cross and Lori A. Burkhart, contributing legal editors.

Urban Myth: Bush to Help Houston

One of the primary objectives of the Bush administration's energy policy is to increase energy supplies, including the supply of electric generating capacity. Opponents of the Bush plan argue that his plan is nothing more than a scheme to fill the coffers of "Texas"-based companies who supported Bush's election.