
New Hires:
Fortnightly Magazine - April 1 2003
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New Hires:

The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) promoted Dave Nevius to senior vice president; David Cook to vice president and general counsel; and Don Benjamin to vice president. Nevius has been a vice president at NERC since 1986; Cook has been NERC's general counsel since 1999; and Benjamin has been director of operations since 1985.

Ameren Corp. named Martin J. Lyons vice president. Lyons has been the company's controller since joining Ameren in October 2001.

William M. Nugent, immediate past president of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), was named chairman of NARUC's National Council on Competition and the Electricity Industry, tasked with ensuring that competitive electricity markets operate fairly.

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The National Academy of Engineering, citing "leadership in the development of national and international programs for strengthening nuclear safety and safeguards," elected Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Richard A. Meserve to academy membership.

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