Decarbonization: Thad LeVar

PUC of Utah

“When you’re trying to build things like transmission lines, you can’t build them in the West without crossing over federal land. Unless significant changes occur, that takes a long time to work through the Bureau of Land Management to ultimately receive approval.”

Decarbonization: Abigail Anthony

Rhode Island PUC

“The Act on Climate requires net-zero emissions economy-wide by 2050. We’re going to need to figure out how the gas distribution network can deliver a low- or zero-carbon product, or we’re going to have to do something else with the network.”

Decarbonization: Daniel Conway

PUC of Ohio

“What we see are storm clouds on the horizon that are going to affect reliability, resource adequacy, and prices because of state and federal initiatives that are pushing for a rapid transition away from thermal resources into renewable resources.”

Decarbonization: Floyd McKissick, Jr.

North Carolina UC

“Bipartisan legislation required the Commission to develop a plan to reduce carbon emissions from Duke Energy’s electric generating facilities by 70% from 2005 levels by 2030 and to become carbon neutral by 2050.”

Decarbonization: Sarah Freeman

Indiana URC

“To the extent any policies present a challenge, it’s at the local level where some communities have put up regulatory barriers to siting of wind and solar. To counter that, the Indiana General Assembly enacted legislation allowing communities to be certified as renewable-ready communities, saying, “Our doors are open to projects.”

Decarbonization: Andrew Fay

Florida PUC

“Florida, and the Southeast in general, keeps a close eye on anything that may impact the reliability of our grid, especially hurricanes. The typical forms of generation have been built with resiliency in mind. There are still some unknowns about the long-term viability and resiliency of renewables – mainly solar – to withstand some of that severe weather.”

Decarbonization: Michael Caron

Connecticut PURA, NARUC

“I would prefer that people see the move toward clean energy as an evolution. That it’s not necessarily a top-down transition in any way. Those tend to crash and burn ultimately. It’s better if you find support, it creates its own momentum, and moves along.”

Decarbonization: Lea Márquez Peterson

Arizona Corp. Commission

“I stepped into the middle of the debate on whether we mandate a clean energy transition in Arizona. After four years of debate, we did not mandate it, but have supported the utilities’ commitments. They’re all 100% carbon-free by 2050.”

Ten Commissioners Talk Transition


In discussions with ten Commissioners from every end of the country, PUF’s Paul Kjellander asked what’s driving the energy transition in their states, their state’s policies, barriers for the transition to overcome, and risks, also the role of consumer-owned energy. Sponsored by Itron.

Big Microgrid in Bronzeville


Exelon subsidiary ComEd began its Community of the Future program in 2016 with the Bronzeville Community Microgrid in Chicago. PUF journeyed there to see firsthand how ComEd is taking Chicago into the future with the first utility operated microgrid cluster.