A Day at GTI Energy: Industrial Energy Systems Laboratory

Unique conversations

“We are an applied research and technology development non-profit organization. We have a long list of customers who we call when an opportunity presents itself. Now, about 50% percent of our work is done in the lab, and the other 50% is at company sites.”

A Day at GTI Energy: CEO Paula Gant

Unique conversations

“Our view at GTI Energy is that when we’re changing energy systems, it’s important we’re approaching the change from a systems perspective. It is important that we are collaborating.”

A Day at GTI Energy

Unique conversations

GTI Energy embraces a vision for integrated, low-carbon, low-cost energy systems that leverage gases, liquids, infrastructure, and efficiency to meet the urgent challenges presented by climate change and global energy access. To fully comprehend these words, there is nothing like a visit to its eighteen acres of facilities close to Chicago, to take in the depth and breadth of what goes on at these specialized labs with equipment for design, testing, and analysis of advanced energy technologies.

Santa to Slide Down Your Carbon Emission-Free Chimney

Christmas and Electricity

General Electric began selling pre-assembled Christmas light kits in 1903. Until then, lighting your tree electrically was expensive and the installation, complicated. Toy electric trains started out as a store window display that would draw the attention of shoppers to the store.