SRP Supercharging EVs

Salt River Project

“We’ve not gone down the path of wanting to own and operate or develop our own charging sites. What we’ve wanted to do was let the market take care of that, and instead worked to support the market development.”

Advanced Conductors Arrive Not a Moment Too Soon

Moving the Grid Forward

“Advanced conductors make it possible to deploy big upgrades within existing rights of way, even reusing existing towers for reconductoring projects that can be accomplished with relative lightning speed and for lower total costs that make ratepayers, consumer advocates, and public utility commissions happy.”

Where ERCOT Stands Now


“There was a lot of focus post-Storm Uri on generation performance, and ERCOT made some improvements through some higher technical standards, although we must see how it performs. But no one has addressed the demand side at all. That’s one of the problems.”

Energy is Digital

GE Vernova

“With the energy transition and accompanying rise of distributed energy resources like solar, wind, and renewables, the grid and the data architecture behind it is becoming more and more distributed. But distributed data is a difficult problem to solve.”

Reindustrialization Matters


Conversation with EPRI’s SVP for Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions regarding a new EPRI report, “The Impact of Industrial Onshoring on Electric Sector Demand Growth.”

Innovation Across Power Cooperative Community


A roundtable with Holy Cross Energy’s Bryan Hannegan, SECO Energy’s Gregg Morrell, Rio Grande Electric Cooperative’s Abraham Vasquez, Block Island Utility District’s Jeffery Wright, and NRECA’s Angela Strickland.

Mabel MacFerran Top Innovator Award for Storage: PNM Resources

Top Innovators

“We have several of our distribution feeders that are a hundred percent connected solar on the distribution feeder. Today, we don’t have any way of energy management on the distribution feeder, so the battery storage will enable us to do energy management on those distribution feeders.”