Wildfires: Pacific Power

Unique conversations

“We’ve got over 450 weather stations deployed and take 30 years of data, crunch it, and get a good sense of what the forecast could be. Situational awareness is important because it’s a cost-effective method for getting visibility into the environment and is foundational information for all other mitigation measures.”

Wildfires: Hawaii PUC

Unique conversations

“We put effort into the bills, making sure all concerns the legislators had were addressed. We didn’t cross the finish line. We’re looking at what we can do without legislation, what’s under our power. We can ask the utilities to develop a wildfire protection plan.”

Wildfires: Puget Sound Energy

Unique conversations

“Through EEI and the CEO task force, we’re talking to Congress and the Department of Energy and asking for options that don’t require us to serve as insurers of last resort for all damage associated with wildfire. Now, we are the insurers of a last resort and that’s untenable.”

Talking Wildfires

Unique conversations

Conversations with Puget Sound Energy CEO Mary Kipp, Hawaii Public Utilities Commission Chair Leo Asuncion, Pacific Power President Ryan Flynn, Rocky Mountain Power President Dick Garlish, with paintings by PUF’s Paul Kjellander.

Ms. Fedorchak Goes to Washington

NARUC President Wins Primary

NARUC President Julie Fedorchak prevailed in the Republican Primary and her name will appear on the ballot this November in an election to determine who shall sit in North Dakota’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

A Day in the Life of the Grid


The regional power grids are changing rapidly and facing unprecedented challenges. One day in May illustrates interesting dynamics in three regions, those of the California ISO, PJM in the mid-Atlantic, and ERCOT in Texas.

Power Walk

About This Painting

“When people complain and say, “not in my backyard,” I find it difficult to commiserate. When I see transmission towers, I see the infrastructure necessary to drive economic opportunity and prosperity. And the energy that makes everyday life easier to enjoy.”