Tri-State G&T Highlights Three Initiatives

Flexibility, Solar, Reliability

“Tri-State’s members, including distribution cooperatives and public power districts across four states, will have increased flexibility to self-supply more power through a Bring Your Own Resource program filed with FERC on June 7. If approved, members would be able to supply up to 40% of their power requirements.”

Death of a Bottleneck

New Transmission Line Life via Reconductoring

“If line losses on an existing line are 20 MW, installing an advanced conductor would reduce losses to approximately 10 MW for the same current, allowing 10 MW of plant construction to be permanently deferred.”

The Next Act For Utilities M&A

Flipping the Script on the Past

“State regulatory commissions can be demanding in how they evaluate proposed mergers, such as by applying the public interest standard and distributing net synergy benefits (after costs-to-achieve) between customers and shareholders.”

Picture Energy: U.S. Energy Association Public Policy Forum

Industries Across Energy Annually Convene

The USEA's Annual Membership Meeting and Public Policy Forum celebrated its 100th Anniversary this year. Always a top focus is the expansion and enhancement of energy supply and delivery to all peoples of the world and certainly those in developing countries. Panels at the Public Policy Forum discussed impressive advances in South America and eastern Europe particularly.

The Power Industry, Presently and Projected

Risk Mitigation Takes Center Stage

“Investing for more reliable, resilient power grids, using the most advanced tools and techniques, must now be considered standard operating procedure for power companies.”

Picture Energy: Vogtle Celebration

Southern Company

With Plant Vogtle units 3 and 4 now complete, the four nuclear units together are expected to generate more than 30 million megawatt hours annually. Attending the celebration of the project’s completion were Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Southern Company CEO Chris Womack, and Southern Company’s Georgia Power CEO Kim Greene.

Innovation: Colette Honorable

Exelon Innovation Summit

“The multi-year rate plans meet a number of objectives for us. We can say upfront, ‘Commission and customer, this is how we plan to invest in the infrastructure over three years, over five years. Hold us accountable.’ That creates certainty, transparency.”

Innovation: Sunny Elebua


“We have a Reinvent website, where employees can submit their thoughts and ideas in support of our business operations or for the betterment of our customers, which are then evaluated and possibly put into our business.”