eRoadMAP Adds Important New Capabilities


Interactive Power and Energy Map Estimates Grid Needs

Fortnightly Magazine - February 2025
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The adoption of electrified transportation hinges on much more than the number of electric vehicle (EV) sales in the coming years. Widespread EV adoption means easy and affordable charging, and all manner of EVs including light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles will likely need to be considered in local and regional plans for charging infrastructure.

As part of its broader EVs2Scale2030 initiative, EPRI continues to add important features to its eRoadMap, a first-of-its kind interactive power and energy map launched in late 2023 and designed to estimate local grid needs across the U.S. as transportation electrifies.

In December 2024, EPRI unveiled significant updates to this grid-planning tool as part of its ongoing research and development to deliver increasingly granular power information to local stakeholders and planners.

Working with the Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), RMI, and a host of fleet operators, EPRI’s online data tool identifies where, when, and how much EV charging load is likely to materialize on the U.S. electric grid.

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