Executive Survey: CFO Robert Durian

Alliant Energy

“We have partnered with our regulators to help customers since the pandemic with suspension of disconnects, waiving of late fees, and financial assistance to eligible customers who are facing difficulty paying bills. We have also provided support to local charities.”

Utility Industry Masked

Send in your selfie for September's PUF.

These are indeed masked times. Many of us have experimented with different mask looks, some stylish, and some decidedly not.

As part of Public Utilities Fortnightly's "coverage" of utilities and utility regulation, September's issue of PUF shall include a special feature, Utility Industry Masked.

Simply send in your selfie, with you wearing a mask. We hope to show some of you at utilities, utility commissions, other government agencies, associations, vendors and professional firms chipping in to conquer this coronavirus crisis.

Phillips Installed

MACRUC 25 and Live!

MACRUC’s incoming President Willie Phillips announced his theme for the upcoming year.

Wall Street Speaks

MACRUC 25 and Live!

As uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic persists, so does the volatility in the U.S. capital markets. The magnitude of the financial implications was explored for MACRUC utilities and Mid-Atlantic customers. A Wall Street panel of experts gave their perspectives. Moderated by New York Public Service Commission Commissioner Diane Burman, the panel consisted of Lavanya Balakrishnan, executive director, Global Power & Utilities Group, Morgan Stanley, Daniel Cregg, Chief Financial Officer, Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), Steve Fleishman, managing director, Wolfe Research, Michael Haggarty, associate managing director, Power/Utilities - Americas, Moody's Investors Service, and Leslie Rich, managing director, U.S. Equity Research, JP Morgan Asset Management.

Moping About the MOPR

MACRUC 25 and Live!

FERC's Minimum offer Price Rule, or MOPR ruling, directed PJM Interconnection to dramatically expand its MOPR to nearly all state-subsidized capacity resources. The December 19, 2019 ruling has been legally challenged. This session examined how states' policy goals and well-functioning wholesale markets can co-exist in harmony to deliver the economic and sustainable environmental benefits states are seeking. Moderated by Judy Jagdmann of the Virginia State Corporation Commission, with Joseph Fiordaliso, President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Jason Stanek, Chair of the Maryland Public Service Commission, Asim Haque, Vice President, State Policy and Member Services, PJM Interconnection, and Todd Snitchler, CEO, EPSA.

Bankruptcy, Bad?

MACRUC 25 and Live!

This session examined the separate functions and processes of regulators in the bankruptcy courts. and was moderated by West Virginia PSC Chair Charlotte Lane. Also taking part were Virginia SCC Chair Mark Christie, Kentucky PSC Commissioner Robert Cicero, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, Ronald G. Pearson, and Chair of the Board of PG&E, former FERC and Pennsylvania PUC Commissioner, NARUC President Emeritus, Nora Mead Brownell.