Moping About the MOPR

MACRUC 25 and Live!

FERC's Minimum offer Price Rule, or MOPR ruling, directed PJM Interconnection to dramatically expand its MOPR to nearly all state-subsidized capacity resources. The December 19, 2019 ruling has been legally challenged. This session examined how states' policy goals and well-functioning wholesale markets can co-exist in harmony to deliver the economic and sustainable environmental benefits states are seeking. Moderated by Judy Jagdmann of the Virginia State Corporation Commission, with Joseph Fiordaliso, President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Jason Stanek, Chair of the Maryland Public Service Commission, Asim Haque, Vice President, State Policy and Member Services, PJM Interconnection, and Todd Snitchler, CEO, EPSA.

Bankruptcy, Bad?

MACRUC 25 and Live!

This session examined the separate functions and processes of regulators in the bankruptcy courts. and was moderated by West Virginia PSC Chair Charlotte Lane. Also taking part were Virginia SCC Chair Mark Christie, Kentucky PSC Commissioner Robert Cicero, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, Ronald G. Pearson, and Chair of the Board of PG&E, former FERC and Pennsylvania PUC Commissioner, NARUC President Emeritus, Nora Mead Brownell.

MACRUC with Manchin

MACRUC 25 and Live!

Senator Manchin discussed the challenging work of addressing our nation's energy needs with a focus on the role State Commissioners play, moderated by Gladys Brown Dutrieuille and John Rhodes.

Corona Cost Recovery

MACRUC 25 and Live!

Panelists wrestled with how to ensure a balance of customer assistance and company stability in order to avoid disaster. Moderated by incoming MACRUC President and D.C. PSC Chair Willie Phillips, panelists included Tony Clark, Mignon Clyburn, Philip Moeller, Robert Powelson, and Jackie Roberts.

Chatting with Chatterjee

MACRUC 25 and Live!

“When you have fair market rules, and remove any artificial barriers to entry, renewables and new technologies like battery storage, for example, will flourish.”

This Summer's Conferences Virtual-Style

Summits in This Summer in Shorts

Haven't had to put on long pants, very much, in these months of the pandemic. I know you didn't notice, in that Zoom meet we had the other day. Been cycling through my portfolio of shorts, which, when topped off by a somewhat clean button-down shirt, suits well the situation of day-long digital dialoguing. As for my blazers and, jeez, my ties, soon it may be time to stuff them in a self-storage unit.