ESG: Sandy Nessing


“We are at an inflection point — we have a clean energy strategy on the table right now, and if regulators are supportive, by 2030 our generating portfolio will flip to 52% renewable energy.”

ESG Powerfully

ESG Conversations

ESG conversations with executives at American Electric Power, Arizona Public Service, Evergy, Northwestern Energy, PPL Corporation, WEC Energy Group, and Xcel Energy. Guidehouse’s Dan Hahn and Michelle Fay sat in on some of these.

Telling ESG Stories

In the ESG Era

In what could be aptly called the Environmental, Social and Governance Era, utilities are being scored for their ethical performance, quite rigorously, quite comprehensively, by highly influential organizations. The issue is so big that we devoted a special issue of PUF to it.

Groundswell for Community Power


“We work with local neighborhoods, community-based organizations, and churches and communities of faith to build solar and other clean energy projects that help reduce energy burdens for people in the neighborhood and help to support local jobs.”