ESG: Catherine Finneran and Jeff Kotkin


“Carbon neutrality is another way we’ve set ourselves apart. A couple of years ago when we set the goal to become carbon neutral by 2030 in our operations, we were the first to set such an early date for full neutrality.”

ESG: Jason Ryan

CenterPoint Energy

“A bipartisan Natural Gas Innovation Act we supported was ultimately passed. That provided a framework for the Minnesota PUC to address innovations in natural gas service, like RNG, carbon sequestration, hydrogen, and whatever technology comes next.”

ESG Naturally

ESG Conversations

How do today’s natural gas utilities find the right balance, rigorously addressing ESG priorities while continuing to meet the needs of the communities they serve via gas utility service? In the conversations below, leaders from CenterPoint Energy, Eversource, NiSource, NW Natural, and Sempra Energy (both at San Diego Gas & Electric and at the parent) take on directly how they are managing that balance.

ESG: Frank Prager

Xcel Energy

“Our nuclear plants in Minnesota are an important part of our overall strategy. We are building some natural gas to maintain reliability, as we retire most of the coal plants in our generation fleet.”

ESG: Beth Straka

WEC Energy Group

“Our ultimate goal is to exit coal at some point in the future, but that transition needs to be done in a thoughtful manner where we’re not risking reliability.”

ESG: Greg Dudkin and Stephanie Raymond

PPL Corp.

“We’ve added thousands of smart grid devices, including sensors and switches, and distribution automation on every circuit. We have one of the most advanced distribution networks in the country. We’ve deployed a state-of-the-art DERMS.”

ESG: Brian Bird

Northwestern Energy

“Moody’s Investor Services names NorthWestern Energy in the top 5 among 50 publicly traded North American utility and power companies on Best Governance Practices.”

ESG: Ann Becker

Arizona Public Service

“Last year, in partnership with EPRI, we conducted our first sustainability materiality assessment, which is a best practice in the ESG space.”