Groundswell for Community Power


“We work with local neighborhoods, community-based organizations, and churches and communities of faith to build solar and other clean energy projects that help reduce energy burdens for people in the neighborhood and help to support local jobs.”

Dentons Book Event: Women Leading Utilities

Memorable Moments

Memorable moments from the September 29 webinar on Steve Mitnick’s book “Women Leading Utilities, the Pioneers and Path to Today and Tomorrow,” including what was said there by CPS Energy CEO Paula Gold-Williams, Seattle City Light CEO Debra Smith, and American Municipal Power CEO Jolene Thompson.

D.C. PSC's Clean Energy Summit

Memorable Moments

Memorable moments from the September 28 hybrid conference, including what was said there by NARUC President Paul Kjellander, PJM CEO Manu Asthana, Exelon Utilities CEO Calvin Butler, Pennsylvania PUC Chair Gladys Brown Dutrieuille, Maryland PSC Chair Jason Stanek, Illinois Commerce Commission Chair Carrie Zalewski, AGA CEO Karen Harbert, EPRI VP Neva Espinoza, New York PSC Commissioner Diane Burman, and Sierra Club D.C. Chapter Vice Chair Mark Rodeffer.