Calvin Butler is the COO of Exelon.
Earlier this year, Exelon, the nation's largest utility company serving more than ten million customers via six regulated transmission and distribution companies, completed its separation with Constellation Energy, its former power generation and competitive energy company. Exelon's transmission and distribution utility business will continue to be called Exelon.

On top of that, in 2021, Exelon announced its Path to Clean commitment to cut operations-driven emissions by fifty percent or more by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. That's coming fast.
PUF sat down with Exelon COO Calvin Butler to find out what changes are in the air for the utility now. There was a lot to talk about.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: You've separated Exelon and Constellation. Talk about that. Why did you separate and what does it mean for both companies, and for customers?
Calvin Butler: For us, it makes the story clearer as to who we are as a utility company. When you think of Exelon, the largest T&D company in the nation, serving ten million customers across seven very diverse jurisdictions, that means we can be partners with our customers on really transitioning them to that clean energy environment.