Utility commitments to get to zero by a particular time, say 2045, seem to hold much more sway among certain constituencies than minimizing emissions along the way to that zero-target year. Which is weird I think and somewhat unfortunate.
Innovative Approach to System Reliability: “On the weather-prone outer Cape Cod region of Massachusetts, Eversource developed an innovative solution to deploy a microgrid on a 13-mile circuit with a battery as the sole source of supply. Eversource is a member company of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies.”
“A power grid,” Edison continued, “like the way we send gas to our homes, but with electricity! Just think! It could light up a whole city block. No! The whole city itself!”
Conversations with NARUC’s Greg White and Michelle Malloy, Southern Company’s Noel Black, McGuireWoods’ Ryder Rudd, and Commissioners Emeritus’ Ed Salmon.
“In Washington and Oregon, there is a larger push for decarbonization of our gas stream. We’re looking at purchasing RNG and providing both to all customers, and also providing that as a separate program for people who are interested in taking RNG at a slightly higher price.”