MISO Moves on Upper Midwest Transmission


“MISO recently approved what they call their LRTP, Long Range Transmission Plan Tranche One – 18 projects spread out from North Dakota to Michigan, including Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa.”

Grid Transformation: NERC's CEO Concerned


“We’ve been seeing the risk to the system and the risk of the system not being able to perform increasing. We started to see that in 2018. Then every year since, we’ve seen in our assessments, more areas experiencing these risks and the pace increasing.”

Roller Coaster

In Q2 2022, 1.34 percent of consumer expenditures were on electricity. That’s one and a third percent.

How about we express this as a fraction? One-seventy-fifth of what consumers spent was for electricity.

Historically, 1.34 percent is fairly moderate. Over the last ten years, electricity’s percentage of Q2 consumer expenditures was 1.40 percent or more from the year 2013 through 2016. In 2017 and 2018 it dipped to 1.36 percent and 1.34 percent respectively.

Second Quarter GDP data

On July 28, the Commerce Department published the Gross Domestic Product data for the second quarter. This key economic indicator tells us, among other things, where we are with respect to utility expenditures.

Overall consumer expenditures, nationwide, were up 8.4 percent year-over-year in Q2. Expenditures on consumer goods were up 6.4 percent. But on consumer services they were up 9.5 percent.

Federal vs. State Regulation in 1930

PUF in History

In a 1930 edition of PUF, Senator James Couzens defended his Senate Bill 3869, which would regulate the interstate transmission of power, and stated emphatically that it would not interfere with state commission regulation. Harold E. West, Chairman, Public Service Commission of Maryland, offered a rebuttal.