Undergrounding in Resilience

Innovation has decreased its costs. Increased its reliability. Extended service life. Principal Investigators Paul Kjellander and Steve Mitnick interviewed leaders and experts at Alliant Energy, Avista, Black Hills Energy, Dominion Energy, Eversource Energy, Florida Power & Light, Georgia Power, Idaho Power, NorthWestern Energy, PacifiCorp, Pacific Gas & Electric, WEC Energy Group. And at Electric Power Research Institute, Burns & McDonnell.

AEIC's Vision Remains Clear and Constant

138th Annual Meeting

“Staying true to its vision, the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies will continue to be the glue that binds the industry together and provides an encouraging bang on the table in support of new ideas and innovations that move our industry forward for the benefit of all.”

Consistent Methods to Evaluate DERs

Opposite of Arbitrary and Capricious

The National Standard Practice Manual for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources offers regulators and others a set of fundamental principles that can guide decisions about how to conduct BCAs and which cost tests to use in their jurisdiction.