Just Ducky

If you provide free storage and distribution services, too much will be used, and costs for everyone else will go through the roof(top).

The neck of the Duck Curve gets longer every year due to California’s energy policies.

Today's NASUCA

To ensure reliable and affordable service remains a primary focus.

NASUCA continues to bring the consumer advocate message to Washington D.C. Most recently it filed a letter in opposition to a U.S. Senate energy bill (S. 2012) amendment, King-Reid #3120. The letter voiced concerns about a move to federally institutionalize full net metering.

Ti: The Transmission Line Inspection Robot

Managing Overhead Transmission Lines

EPRI developed Ti, a robot capable of crawling over conductor shield wires and harvesting power from ambient energy sources to support autonomous, high-fidelity condition assessment.

Electricity, Economic Efficiency and Growth

Building a fully integrated grid is the next great opportunity to realize higher levels of economic efficiency and prosperity.

A cost benefit analysis in electricity typically achieves assessment of future costs but usually considers only a single type of benefit: operational cost savings.

An Industry Transformed

Looking back on my 45 years in the energy sector.

By diving into today’s more diverse energy sector and embracing change, utilities stand to benefit over the long term. This is precisely why I am so excited about the future, even if I do occasionally look back wistfully on the past.

Commercial DG: Case for Financeable Contracts

DG lenders and developers should consider standardizing a model form of energy service agreement.

Let's review factors influencing the development of distributed generation, with an emphasis on the need for financeable and deployable contracts on which DG can be financed, constructed and operated.

Order 745: Challenge to Plain Old Power Markets

The Order will extend application of load-reducing technologies and marketing to a new class of services.

The marginal external benefits provided by demand response prove more than sufficient to overcome concerns that paying LMP was too expensive.

Reinvigorating a Century Old Business Model

The Power of Efficient Capital

Customers don’t have to wait decades while the grid incrementally evolves to incorporate transformational technologies. Led by customer-driven choices and decisions, we in the utility industry can and should accelerate the transition.