Crossword Puzzle Answers, August 2016

Today in Fortnightly

Spoiler alert! Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle, Power's History, in the August 2016 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly:


1. Supremes ok regulation: munn

8. test for utility expense: prudence

12. with Tesla in war of currents: westinghouse 

13. Kilowatt's first name: reddy

15. smartest guys in room: enron

17. father of TVA: lilienthal

20. FERC can regulate intrastate gas: ngpa

23. nuclear accident: tmi

24. Nobel winner led to solar power: millikan

27. developed television: farnsworth

28. alternating current inventor: tesla

30. utility cost not recoverable: stranded

32. Mr. energy efficiency: lovins



1. financier at industry's birth: morgan

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

2. actress in anti-nuclear movie: fonda

3. industry exec runs for president: willkie

4. war of ___: currents

5. Wizard of Menlo Park: edison

6. father of electric traction: sprague

7. Supremes limit regulation: smyth

9. gas-fired baseload technology: ccgt

10. at TVA, FPC and NY PSC: swidler

11. less regulation: deregulation

12. selling power before markets: wheeling

14. wrote regulatory principles: bonbright

16. basic law for wholesale electric: fpa

18. EEI's original name: nela

19. Supremes fair value v. original cost: hope

21. power ___: pool

22. said "too cheap to meter": strauss

25. utility exec pushed for regulation: insull

26. Dr. deregulation: kahn

28. FDR's public power utility: tva

29. developed air conditioning: carrier

31. GE guy started Public Utilities Reports: young


Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Each month's issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly has a crossword puzzle. The August issue puzzle was called Power's History, with the answers above. 

The  September issue puzzle is called Rural Coops, and the October issue puzzle is called Naturally Gas. Last month, the July issue puzzle was State PUCs.

Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly

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