A Day in the Life of the Grid



Fortnightly Magazine - June 18 2024
WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The regional power grids are changing rapidly and facing unprecedented challenges. Here’s a look at one day, a month ago, the fifteenth of May, a Wednesday, illustrating interesting dynamics in three regions, those of the California ISO, PJM in the mid-Atlantic, and ERCOT in Texas. Download the graphs here.

Cal ISO, as is shown in the downloadable graph, regularly encounters a swift decline in solar generation in the late afternoon necessitating a swift rise in a mix of non-solar generation to compensate.

PJM, as is shown in the downloadable graph, depends quite heavily on natural gas generation far more than coal generation, a reversal of the situation not long ago.

ERCOT, as is shown in the downloadable graph, experiences that same swift decline in solar generation in the late afternoon, precipitating a dramatic increase in natural gas generation especially to compensate.