History Repeats: Retail Wholesale

Unchosen Surprises in Choice

It was increasingly recognized that rather than deregulation – which implies transformation to no or little regulation – we were implementing but a different form of regulation.

Innovation at Scale

Lessons from Europe

The approaches taken by European utilities are portable to other regions and can be instructive to North American utilities considering alternative paths for advancing their innovation models.

No Longer Simple Energy

Uplight Merges Six Companies

What did you do this summer? While most of us enjoyed a vacation, Justin Segall spent his summer seemingly like a superhero, accomplishing with his team an amazing blitz of mergers aimed at changing the utility customer experience.

Uplight is new. And bright. Announced in July from the merger of Simple Energy and Tendril, it builds upon combining the recent acquisitions of EEme, EnergySavvy, and FirstFuel. In other words, Justin Segall has been busy!

Smart Communities Share Infrastructure

Synergy Smarter

One new variation on the traditional utilities business model involves leveraging public-private partnerships to overcome the funding and jurisdictional challenges of smart communities.

Buying Solar Energy by The Minute

Aligning Benefits with Costs

There is a better way to implement the Buy All-Sell All model. Instead of setting VoS rates based on speculative forecasts, why not just pay prices that reflect the actual, contemporaneous value of the solar energy? Why not, effectively, buy the solar energy by the minute?