Electrification 2020 Track A
John Halliwell is EPRI’s senior technical executive in electric transportation.
Costs are falling, performance and interest are increasing so it's no wonder that Electrification 2020 has five sessions under Track A dedicated to the frontiers of electric mobility. No need to stop there as ahead of the conference you can put on your overalls and get your hands dirty by taking part in a training class on electric vehicle and infrastructure technologies. Well, forget the get dirty bit, as part of the beauty of EVs is low maintenance compared to combustion engines. It's just one of the myriad reasons why we expect EVs to win the race.
PUF: What is your role at EPRI?
John Halliwell: I work in the electric transportation group. We focus on all things related to integrating electric vehicles with utilities. My area of function and expertise is in infrastructure for the vehicles, including charging stations and the hardware that goes behind installing them.
PUF: You're trying to figure out how we can have more public charging stations, and home charging, and standards about that kind of work?
John Halliwell: Yes. Standards are important. They help drive costs down, along with installation, and best practices in the field on how you put the equipment in. The more we can lower those costs, the more hardware can be put in the ground for the same amount of money.