Mark Duvall is the Director For Energy Utilization at the Electric Power Research Institute.
Electrification 2018 was a memorable event for the two thousand that attended. But being in Long Beach, California, it was "a location too far" for many in our industry, particularly with the concentration of utilities, utility regulators, etc. in the northeastern and southeastern and midwestern states. So, when consideration began of an even larger Electrification 2020, Duke Energy put up its hand and volunteered to host the three thousand or so expected, in Charlotte, North Carolina.
EPRI's Mark Duvall digs into why this Electrification 2020 is a vastly new and improved version. For those of you who attended Electrification 2018, and there were many, EPRI heard you when you said what could be better. That wish-list is incorporated, including more Expo Hall time and free registration for public agency employees, including Commission Staff.
PUF: How has electrification evolved since you started this effort nearly three years ago?
Mark Duvall: In some ways, three years isn't a lot of time and in some ways, it is a lot of time. In three years, we've seen a dramatic expansion in the e-mobility world. We're starting to see some of the more advanced automotive markets like Norway, California, China, and others, start to take off. We're starting to see the disruptive influence of electric vehicles.