Clean Energy and Markets


NARUC Annual Meeting

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2020
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The National Association of Utility State Regulators held its 2020 Annual Meeting in November. Outgoing NARUC President Brandon Presley presided over a most unusual year.

In walking the tightrope between clean energy goals and energy, it seems customers, industry, investors, and regulators have turned out to watch this scene play out across the country, including a recent stop at FERC's technical conference on carbon pricing. 

Will the show go on with adoption or expansion of carbon pricing or some other mechanism to try to resolve tensions between state policies and organized energy markets? How will RTOs/ISOs that include states with differing policies keep their balance? 

Virginia State Corporation Commission, Commissioner Judith Jagdmann: The issues surrounding this topic have been, and continue to be, of utmost importance to the states and to our market participants.

From FERC's recent ruling on the Minimum Offer Price Rule and its recent pronouncement inviting the states to introduce carbon pricing and wholesale markets, to NESCOE's recent statement that it does not support a new incremental carbon pricing mechanism administered by the ISO New England and subject to FERC jurisdiction, but prefers other paths that the states consider viable to harmonize state laws and wholesale markets. Taken together, we have quite the balancing act.

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