Flexible Demand Side Grid Assets


NARUC Annual Meeting

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2020
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The National Association of Utility State Regulators held its 2020 Annual Meeting in November. Outgoing NARUC President Brandon Presley presided over a most unusual year. This session examined how to unlock the full value of demand flexibility innovation in a variety of market and regulatory models. Panelists looked at the value of flexible grid-connected assets and the evolution on the horizon.

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Commissioner Matthew Schuerger: It's my great pleasure to be moderating this panel, unlocking the full value of flexible demand grid assets. We're looking at a full range of load flexibility, the capability of distributed energy resources to adjust demand profiles across different timescales, using a variety of programs and technologies including time varying rates, energy efficiency, and other distributed resources.

The Brattle Group, Principal, Ahmad Faruqui: We made an assessment of what is going to be the size of this cost effective load flexibility in the U.S. as a whole, and the number we come up with is about two hundred gigawatts. That's twenty percent of the system peak in the United States. 

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