White Papers
A How-to Guide for Regulators
In response to a groundswell of public opinion, state policymakers and utilities throughout the country are embracing electric vehicle (EV) technology as a way to mitigate climate change and reduce air pollution. The challenges of doing so are not purely financial or technological. EV technology... Read More
Electric transmission has once again taken center stage, as the energy industry grapples with how best to meet the clean energy goals of states, cities, utilities, and private corporations. New high-voltage transmission will be critical to integrating large-scale renewable resources, balancing the... Read More
The Dragos Year in Review report is an annual analysis of Industrial Control System (ICS)/Operational Technology (OT) focused cyber threats, vulnerabilities, assessments, and incident response insights. In summary, experts share highlights from the report. Download the full report here
The notion that natural gas would serve as a “bridge fuel” to facilitate the transition toward a cleaner energy future from the dominance of fossil fuel consumption in power generation, industrial production, and transportation sectors first was promoted in the 1970s in the wake of the energy... Read More
Includes Case Studies and Step-by-step Framework to Build a Resiliency Program
Resiliency programs can deliver significant benefits, especially to reduce the frequency or duration of power outages. Power Delivery Intelligence Initiative (PDi2) has published a Utility Infrastructure Resiliency Playbook that focuses specifically on strategic undergrounding as an approach that... Read More
The New Construction Market Can Help Mitigate the Decline
“After a decade of explosive growth in the residential solar photovoltaic (PV) market, in 2017 California saw its first decrease in annual residential solar installations. This paper suggests that the most probable cause of this downturn is the beginning of market saturation in the residential... Read More
May 2017
Natural gas utilities can incorporate leak flow rate data into existing pipeline replacement and leak repair prioritization frameworks to more rapidly and efficiently reduce leakage on their system. Leak distributions typically demonstrate a “fat-tail,” where a few, large leaks are responsible for... Read More
Disruption is a prevailing and uncompromising threat to all industries. Today, the confluence of three disruptive forces—policy and regulatory shifts, changing market demand, and technological innovation—underscore the pervasiveness of the utility industry transformation currently underway.... Read More