News Analysis

<br> IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


News Analysis


IPPs and other stakeholders long have called for standards, but this time, the FERC just might oblige.


"Certain transmission owners ... have impeded the interconnection process and, thereby, new generation construction."

"Many transmission providers also refuse to offer network transmission service to merchant generators ... ."


Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.

Some want a tighter grip on generators, but FERC should steer clear.


Regulators face a daunting task in sorting out power refunds in the Pacific Northwest.


Ripple Effects


The Risk That Wasn't Hedged: So What's Your Gamma Position?

Power markets often show coincident peaks in price and volume. <br>That can make profit unusually volatile.

The Risk that Wasn't Hedged: So What's Your Gamma Position?


Power markets often show coincident peaks in price and volume.
That can make profit unusually volatile.

Force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma). Any student of physics should know this equation. In other words, force doesn't just increase with added mass; rather, it accelerates in its strength.

Gas Price Prudence: From Hedge-and-Hope to Best Practice

Utilities and regulators should follow the same ideas that govern risk management at the largest of commodity trading houses.

Gas Price Prudence: From Hedge-and-Hope to Best Practice

Utilities and regulators should follow the same ideas that govern risk management at the largest of commodity trading houses.

The July 5, 2001 issue of offered an update on what utilities and regulators are doing in the area of commodity price hedging for natural gas.

The headline read, "Dominion East Ohio Sales Customers Will Pay 29% Less in Gas Costs under PUCO-Led Encouragement of Hedging Plan...."

Natural Gas Hedging: A Primer for Utilities and Regulators

What commissions need to learn. <br>What LDCs should already know.

Natural Gas Hedging: A Primer for Utilities and Regulators


What commissions need to learn.
What LDCs should already know.

The facts are now in. If utilities had hedged their natural gas purchases during the 1990s, they could have earned windfalls for those they serve, given the wild price gyrations of the past decade (). Yet few if any households or businesses saw any windfall, because few utilities were engaged in futures and other derivatives markets.

Off Peak

The El Paso case just won't quit.<b> </b>

Off Peak

September 15, 2001

Let's Play "Spin the Pipeline"


The El Paso case just won't quit.

It began over a year ago, on April 4, 2000. That's when California accused El Paso Natural Gas Co. of manipulating capacity rights on its natural gas pipeline by auctioning them off to its own affiliate, El Paso Merchant Energy.