Compassionate Competition?

With its own private power grid, Texas thinks it's got restructuring licked.

With its own private power grid, Texas thinks it's got restructuring licked.

Service to the 9's? Power Quality in a Tech-Wreck World

Why it's just as important for the old economy.


Why it's just as important for the old economy.

Mention "power quality" and the mind conjures up visions of tech hotels stuffed with Internet servers running 24/7, retrofitted into inner city industrial warehouses-buildings sturdy enough to forgive the heavy installation of custom power supply equipment and racks of batteries. Or perhaps Silicon Valley.

Surviving and Thriving in the RTO Revolution

How to design tariffs to improve reliability and attract merchant generation.

1 A representation of a generic interconnection, with thermal, hydro, and nuclear generation sharing a grid with a winter peaking load.

2 , 93 FERC 61,294, Dec. 15, 2000.

3 For a survey of methods, see J.W. Marangon Lima "Allocation of Transmission Fixed Charges: An Overview,", Vol. 11, No. 3, 1996.

Off Peak

Off Peak

January 15, 2001

Warm Mouse, Cold Feet


Is your website what's keeping browsers from signing up online?


Why rural electric cooperatives should test the equity markets.

Why rural electric cooperatives should test the equity markets.


Let's Get Physical

To manage congestion on the power grid, most traders would rather book a firm path than risk a loss on a financial hedge.

To manage congestion on the power grid, most traders would rather book a firm path than risk a loss on a financial hedge.