
The ISO takes on critics of its new market design.
Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 2002
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The ISO takes on critics of its new market design.

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Electricity market design is a complex, even arcane, subject-which is why any discussion of the makings of a new market structure should focus on substance, rather than sound bite material. The California Independent System Operator Corp. (California ISO) was disappointed to read what appeared to be a narrow view of the state of market redesign in the August 2002 article "A Vision for Transmission: How the RTOs Stand on Market Design." It told a one-sided story. The article let readers down by neglecting to assess the validity of critical comments selected for quotation by the authors. As a result, the article left readers with a distorted impression of our comprehensive Market Design 2002 (MD02) proposal filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in May and approved to a large extent by the FERC order of July 17.

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